Sunday, January 5, 2014


As the new year arrives RK SMART LABS is all set to launch its first product for NFC Technology by providing NFC Simulation & Emulation for developers and Users to feel the touch of NFC.

RK comes up with innovation of building a RK-NFC-Connect Android App for NFC Simulation & Emulation.

The idea and the main motto behind developing  RK-NFC-Connect is to build and provide platform for the developers to test and deploy NFC based applications by using RK's NFC-Emulink software.

The development has successfully got completed and RK will be contributing to Open Source by publishing the api and RK-NFC-Emulink to GitHub and RK SMART LABS Developers Book.

RK's NFC-Apk, Emulink.jar,can be fetched remotely with a defined URL of RK SMART LABS, developers just need to call the jars as specified by NFC Connect Doc.

3 step procedure to make your NFC or Non NFC phones to get the NFC touch & feel :). 

Users can download the RK-NFC-Connect app from Market and enjoy the feel of NFC on their non-nfc phones/nfc enabled phones for Android 4.0v & above.

Have a look over the screen shots & Videos of RK-NFC-Connect & RK-EmuLink.

By the end of January month after the successful completion of Integration testing Beta version of NFC-Connect & EmuLink will be released and respective docs & video tutorials for developers will be released.

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